Issues we are tackling.
32% of all plastic packaging
finds its way into our oceans every year.

of all food produced is wasted every year.
MakeGrowLab was founded in 2019 to innovate around sustainability
and our motivation is to spread The Biorevolution™:
to grow new materials in a fully circular manner,
to not pollute but enrich the environment around us.
Our planet faces massive economic, social and environmental challenges. To combat these, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global priorities and aspirations for 2030. They represent an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate extreme poverty and put the world on a sustainable path.
We grow on a basis of UN development goals to:
Increase efficient use of natural resources
Reduce GHG emission in material supply chain
Substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Enhance scientific research and upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors.
And indirectly by:
promote inclusive growth as well as a safe and secure work environment, for all, which fits with our ambition to foster an inclusive growth;
We are helping companies to implement and speed up the implementation of USG goals they set up especially the ones that include increase of recycled, biobased, home compostable materials, as well as reduction of CO2, water, energy and food waste.







Single use plastic
The EU is tackling the 10 single-use plastic items most commonly found on Europe’s beaches and is promoting sustainable alternatives.

Other products that are made entirely or partially of plastic and cannot currently be banned will be required to have a special label going forward, with a warning regarding environmental damage caused by plastic.

No microplastic​
Legislation banning intentionally added plastics in particular for cosmetics, detergents and agricultural uses, unless they cover an essential use without alternatives

Thanks to using microorganisms in the process we extract pure bacterial cellulose that has significant properties, avoiding impurities extraction like in processing plant-based cellulose resulting in less energy and less chemical-intensive process.

MakeGrowLab can use a variety of biowaste from agriculture, food and forestry industries. The process uses significantly less space and time to grow than traditional plant-based materials resulting in scalability and affordability of the future materials.

MGL nanofibers are called SPM. SPM is converted into usable materials and products within existing manufacturing technologies.
Less CO2 emissions

Our materials reduce CO2 emmisions by implementing circular process and create CO2 savings in supply chain of materials
No Microplastic

Plastic, what plastic? We do not use any petroleum-based additives in our materials.
No Deforestation

We are not using trees for nanocellulose feedstock and grow cellulose faster than forests in our SPM circular pilot